Mines Struggle as World Faces Imminent QR Code Shortage

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color picture dirty man in a coal mine with a pickaxe

In a shocking revelation that could have far-reaching consequences for the digital world, sources confirm that the mines responsible for extracting QR codes are on the verge of running out, unable to cope with the ever-increasing demand for these pixelated marvels.

QR codes, the ubiquitous square-shaped patterns that have become a staple in modern marketing and information sharing, are reportedly mined from deep within the earth by a consortium of companies involved in both technology and mining.

As industries worldwide continue to embrace QR codes for everything from contactless payments to menu access, the demand for these precious digital artifacts has reached unprecedented levels, leaving the mines struggling to keep pace.

“It’s a digital gold rush, and our mines are working around the clock to extract these valuable codes. However, the supply is finite, and we’re concerned about a looming QR scarcity,” admitted William Stenson, spokesperson for the International QR Mining Association.

Experts are predicting a QR code crisis, with potential consequences ranging from delayed marketing campaigns to confusion at restaurants and events that have come to rely heavily on the convenience of QR code technology.

In response to the crisis, tech companies are exploring alternatives such as developing sustainable QR codes, promoting responsible scanning practices, and encouraging users to recycle or reuse existing codes.

“Despite advancements in science, there isn’t any way yet to synthesize the material needed to produce QR codes. It has to be mined,” says Stenson. “A shortage now could have far reaching impacts across the globe,” he says.

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8 responses to “Mines Struggle as World Faces Imminent QR Code Shortage”

  1. spwilcen Avatar

    clever satire.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. David Perlmutter Avatar

    I don’t know how those damn things work, so I won’t miss them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sopantooth Avatar

    Asteroids? Do they have QR codes we can get?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Abbrah Kahdavver Avatar

      let’s strip mine the moon first and see what we get there.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. sopantooth Avatar

        Cheese as I understand it, and transformers maybe

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Donnalee of Laughing Dakini Tarot Avatar

    They can get cardboard and black magic markers and tape them to the edges of the remaining ones, and write more code bits on them, thus expanding the range very very far–science works many ways!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ana Daksina Avatar

      Brilliant! You should go into systems analysis!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Ana Daksina Avatar

    “Delayed marketing campaigns”?? I don’t MINED! Haw!!

    Liked by 2 people

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