Man Shocked as New Goth Girlfriend Reveals She’s Not Always in ‘Spooky’ Mode

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goth woman sitting at an outside table of a coffee shop

In a tale of romantic expectations meeting the realities of personal style, a local man, Terry Sutton, has found himself fashionably disappointed after discovering that his new goth girlfriend doesn’t always dress in the quintessential ‘spooky’ fashion he envisioned.

Sutton, who has long harbored a penchant for the dark and mysterious, was over the moon when he began dating Rebecca Billings , a self-proclaimed goth enthusiast with an aura of mystery. However, his excitement took a nosedive when he realized that Rebecca’s wardrobe wasn’t a perpetual Halloween costume party.

“I thought goths only wore black lace and fishnets all the time,” Terry confessed, visibly perplexed. “But sometimes she just wants to wear sweats and a T-shirt like a regular person. It’s kind of a letdown.”

Billings, an avid goth with a penchant for variety in her wardrobe, defended her choices. “I love embracing the darker side of life, but I also appreciate comfort and practicality. I can’t be draped in black velvet 24/7,” she explained, her makeup smudged in a way that said it was time to wash it all off.

Relationship experts weighed in, suggesting that communication about personal style preferences is crucial in any partnership. Dr. Eris McCarthy, a fashion and relationship columnist, advised, “It’s essential for partners to embrace each other’s individuality and be open to compromise. After all, love is about accepting someone, regardless of looks. After all, Isn’t really what is inside that counts?”

As Terry grapples with his newfound understanding that goth style isn’t a 24/7 commitment, Rebecca continues to express herself through a diverse array of fashion choices. Perhaps, in time, Mr. Sutton will come to appreciate that love, like fashion, comes in many shades and some of them may not always be pitch black.

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12 responses to “Man Shocked as New Goth Girlfriend Reveals She’s Not Always in ‘Spooky’ Mode”

  1. Whiskey Nut Avatar

    Does Bambi Thug ever dress down?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Abbrah Kahdavver Avatar

      doesn’t everyone?


  2. Darcy Branwyn Avatar
    Darcy Branwyn

    Alas no, we don’t wake up looking like Elvira everyday. Although that would be cool. I do admit to wearing old T-shirts in the gray spectrum on some days myself . 😱

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Abbrah Kahdavver Avatar

      gray shirts and sweats is a compromise to an all black clothing lifestyle. It’s fair honestly.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Darcy Branwyn Avatar
        Darcy Branwyn

        Why thank you, sir.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. sopantooth Avatar

    I know it’s an unfair expectation but it is jarring when you see an unpainted Goth heading to a job interview

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Ana Daksina Avatar

    During the three years in which I partnered the closest thing Sacramento had to a Goth God in those days, I found it a great relief to have an entirely black wardrobe. Everything matched!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Donnalee of Laughing Dakini Tarot Avatar

    I think of myself as goth for decades now and yet look very mundane all the damn time. It’s in the poignant tragic spooky soul and not in the Hot Topic duds maybe–well, or in the talking to the dead every day thing–but looking goth-babely seems to count for more than actually having the goth skills but looking eh–

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Abbrah Kahdavver Avatar

      I have a slayer hat and some skull shirts. That’s the extent of it for me these days.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Donnalee of Laughing Dakini Tarot Avatar

        I have memories and used to be a goth dj. I can pretend any time I want!

        Interestingly, a lot of the dead folks I get were goth or punk or rockabilly–I get to hear a lot of cool music in my head when they come to me.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. shadowartshealing Avatar

    hilarious. thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Abbrah Kahdavver Avatar

      you’re very much welcome.

      Liked by 2 people

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